Thursday, April 30, 2009

FDG Unveils the New DOUGCON Warning System

Every Natural Disaster has its own Warning System. Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Avalanches all have their own individual systems so why shouldn't the disaster known as Doug Goodstein have his own? Well we no longer have to wonder as it's my great pleasure to introduce you to the first ever Doug Goodstein Condition Warning System.

Ladies & Gentlemen I give you the DOUGCON.

The DOUGCON is a quick snapshot of the current level of ineptitude at Howard TV. (The most current DOUGCON status will always be published at the top of the site) As you can see we are currently at DOUGCON Level 7. The DOUGCON is the tenor of Fire Doug Goodstein boiled down to a number. Think of it as a quick snapshot. We all have busy days, and sometimes we don't have the time to dive into the Doug Pool so the DOUGCON is there for you.

Did Doug choose the cheaper and easier Staff Fight to air over the Celebrity Interview? Check the DOUGCON. Gange hogging the spotlight? Check the DOUGCON. Did Doug take advantage of Howard's vacation by doing sub-par work? Check the DOUGCON.

So keep checking in with Fire Doug, and we promise to continue to hold Doug's feet to the fire.


Have you ever been lost. I don't mean like pull over and ask a gas station attendant lost. I mean Oceanic 815 Lost. In fact I just returned from a place where you lose all of your senses. A labyrinth created by idiots. I speak of course about the Vault on Howard TV.

I previously discussed the criminal lack of classic E! shows in the vault, but that only touches on the visible part of the iceberg that is the Vault. The real problem with the Vault is the haphazard organization and scheduling of the programming. Allow me to explain. Here are some of the current categories in the Vault.

Girls Girls Girls

Favorite Guests

Fan Favorites

Wacky & Weird

Sexy Fun & Games

Staff Antics

How can anyone actually use these categories to find something? Do I have to read Doug & Gange's mind. Well I wanted to see this evaluation episode, so that's under Girls Girls Girls right? Of course it could be Sexy Fun & Games, but what if its in Fan Favorites? It's my favorite? She wasn't a Favorite Guest, but she was Wacky & Weird.

The end result is you just have to go through each category one at a time because there is no rhyme or reason in placement of shows. The only thing that seems planned is having the shows listed in Alphabetical order. That's all the help Doug thinks you need.

And what if you wanted to search just the new shows added to the Vault? Well good luck there too. There is no mark or category designated to new shows, so you might end up loading that show thinking its new only to realize its the same dreck Doug put up last month.

If you asked Beetlejuice to lay out the Vault he would do a better job. What happens when the Lou Sybian ride hits the Vault? (And you know it will because Doug already has it in the can, so there is no cost dumping it into the Vault in 3 months) Well Lou is one of my Favorite Guests, and a Fan Favorite. He is the definition of Wacky & Weird, and needless to say the game he participated in was Sexy & Fun. So where will Doug put it? Your guess is as good as mine.

The only category I really understand in Staff Antics. We need to separate the Gange related episodes so that all of Mike's fans can easily find them all.

Good luck finding anything in the Vault. It was designed to operate under the least amount of work necessary, not for practicality.

It's a Doug product through and through.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Well Said

If anyone has access to Jay Leno please tell him that Doug is the secret to Howard’s success. - DG Sucks with the Comment of the Week

Waiting on a Friend or Foe

Well it has been over 24 hours since Doug was made aware of Fire Doug Goodstein and made his claim that he would be more than willing to talk with the webmaster.

Well I checked my email and no letters.

I checked my phone and no messages.

What's the deal here Doug? You aren't the type to say one thing and do another, well unless it involves Beth Stern. Do I have you spooked? I thought you were a much stronger player than this Doug.

Give me a call Doug and I am sure we can hash this out. Until then I will just be waiting...

Fire Doug hits Howard 100 News

In case you missed it here is the Howard 100 News Piece about the phenomenon that is Fire Doug Goodstein. Thanks to all of our commentors and visitors for helping us make firing Doug a reality.


Monday, April 27, 2009

A Response to Doug

Fire Doug Goodstein had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Howard 100 News today. The News ended with Doug responding to Beth-Gate by reading from what he claimed was in the building computer system 40 hours before Beth was scheduled to arrive. He then casually dropped the problem on whomever did not understand this simple fact, and then seemed to dismiss the entire situation as just one of those things that happen.

So let's start out from the beginning. I would need to see these supposed papers to fully verify Doug's claim, but even if that is true, how come the last time Doug referenced Beth's arrival was 40 hours before her scheduled arrival time? Could it be that Doug like most of Howard TV doesn't think of checking the day of? Isn't this producing 101?

This site has gotten it's first taste of Doug's arrogance, and lack of contrition in regards to Beth-Gate have now guaranteed Fire Doug continuing it's stance as the lead Howard TV Watchdog Group.

At the end of Steve Langford's News Piece on FDG he claimed that Doug was willing to speak to the webmaster. Well Dougers, Langford has my email and phone number. If you can take the power of my truth feel free to contact me, but I have a feeling that you will continue to hide behind the drawstring pants of Gange and the rest of Howard TV. I only wish the FDG staff was there when Langford asked you about the site. I mean he had to give you heads up Doug, no? You weren't walking around with this Beth-Gate evidence?

And besides Beth-Gate Doug was not challenged on his other numerous blunders. His lack of quality control in all aspects of Howard TV (Ever actually listened to the Cameramen ask dumb questions to A-List Guests? I have, but no proof obviously Doug has), the E! Shows being criminally underrepresented in the Vault, and of course Gange orbiting the Howard TV set like a dead planet. (PS Gange if I didn't have a real job, Fire Mike Gange would be up and running you husky, red, leech).

See everyone, its working. Doug actually had to do work today.

He has gotten the message that he is no long the imperial executive producer. There is a new pair of eyes in the world, and its set right on Doug and his enablers.

Call me Doug, if you have the time in your busy day that is....

Gange TV

Howard was all over Gange today about whether or not he could be considered a TV Personality.

It didn't shock me that Mike Gange now feels that Howard TV is about himself and not about bringing the Stern Show Programming to the masses. It's Gange TV!

I wonder if all it takes to be a Howard TV Personality is to be yelled at by Howard over your own incompetence. That seems to be the only requirement.

I won't even get into the crap audio quality of the interview or Gange's horrid questions because that wouldn't be dealing with the core issue. The biggest problem is that Howard TV isn't about anything but bringing the show we hear on the radio to life. It's not about getting Mike Gange's scratchy, phlemy persona to interview attractive women. I bet that seem's like a good idea to Gange because he no doubt thinks of himself as a celebrity.

Gange, like most people, has started to believe the SFN Posts about him. He thinks people actually want to hear from him.

This is Doug's fault of course, but who can be bothered with Quality Control when Doug has his new family and life to worry about. As Howard mentioned, Beth-Gate could have been occuring while Doug was doing this interview. Who can tell? All we know is Gange didn't miss talking to Miss Howard TV, but meeting Beth at the door was too difficult for his schedule. He must have been updating his facebook.

We had Doug delaying the Lou Sybian Show.

We had Beth-Gate where Doug left Howard's wife Beth waiting outside because his office can't coordinate a visitor's arrival.

and now,

We have now Gange's inept interview style.

How much more do we need to see and hear? Howard must fire Doug now.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Can a Fly be on a Wall and a pile of Shit at the same time?

We have been working overtime in our coverage of Beth-gate here at FDG. The pathetic handling of Beth Stern's arrival to the Sirius building is endemic of the larger problem at Howard TV. To put it plainly, Doug should be fired. Now this might come to a shock to Dougers and the rest of his goon squad, but we have our own moles in the indemand empire.

Yes, deep inside the bowels of 345 Hudson sits people who also know the truth of Doug's incompetence. From these spies we have been able to piece together a better understanding of the dysfunction that reigns under Doug at indemand. In fact I just received an email from one of our more trusted sources with a transcript from the meeting that preceded Beth-Gate. The following transcribed conversation takes place in a production meeting that featured Doug, Gange, and a third unknown voice that our source tells us is a Production Assistant who ends up doing all of Doug's work.

PA: So I have the meeting notes for today that we need to discuss.

Doug: (Phone to Ear) One second, booking my eye appointment.

Gange: We should film your eye trip. (Picks up his own phone) I need to update my Facebook status on this.

PA: Well Beth Stern is coming into the offices this week for our Show in the Hallway shoot, and Doug you mentioned how you wanted to handle all VIP arrivals.

Doug: True, but that was when I wanted to meet the Celebrity, I've met Beth before at the numerous personal moments I've spent with Howard as the Executive Producer of Howard TV. Gange can you handle this I am, (goes back to phone) No, I am still here, yes an appointment for next week, when am I free?, oh I am free all the time.

Gange: I can handle Beth's arrival

PA: Good that's handled now onto the topic of revamping the vault.

Gange: Wait when is Beth arriving?

Doug: 730 on Tuesday.

PA: Actually 930 on Wednesday

Doug: Right (Back to the Phone) Yes I was in a week ago but I can't stop tearing up.

Gange: Well I can't do it then because I am going to be sitting in on that edit session for you Doug.

Doug: You are?

PA: This is the edit session for the Lou Sybian Contest

Doug: Well that's not going to work (Back to phone) Great see you Wednesday at 930. (Gives full tear covered eye contact to PA) So where are we?

Gange: You have to see these pictures Gregg posted on Facebook from our trip to Kansas.

Doug: Ohhh lemme see!

PA: Doug, um, Gange was going to cover Beth, but he's covering you at the edit session.

Doug: Are you deaf? (Staring at Facebook with Gange) I just made an appointment for that time, find someone else.

PA: I am the only one available, but...

Doug: Good, its your thing

PA: But, I...

Doug: I'll double check she is in the computer don't you worry. This is Doug Goodstein you are talking to what could go wrong?

It's at this point that our transcription ends, but I think we got the picture here. Doug has a priority list that he seems to create, and the arrival of his boss's wife ranks behind his life and Gange's Facebook pictures. Now while it's possible that this transcription isn't 100% correct, there is no doubt that the message it conveys is true.

Doug left Beth waiting downstairs not because he planned it, but because he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

If Howard expects to ever have a real TV division he must part ways with Doug ASAP.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pay no attention to the Goodstein behind the Curtain

We were treated to a quick glimpse behind the Howard TV Curtain today, a peak at the chaos and fury that Doug lords over. What we saw didn't shock any fans of Fire Doug as we are already well versed in his level of suck, but I hope this was another wake up call to fans that Howard TV isn't getting the job done (Bravo to the fan who complained on the wrap up show about the rotation schedule of the Vault being painfully slow. Sorry guys Doug was too busy doing nothing).

So this was the situation. Beth was coming into the studio to shoot scenes for the Howard TV Original, Show in the Hallway (Don't get me started on this dreck...) and upon her arrival found out that her name wasn't at the front desk so she was held at the door until the matter was cleared up.

How can this happen? Do you think this happens on the Mike and Juliet Show when Beth Visits? Is Doug producing less than the Mike and Juliet Show? There is simply no excuse for this at all.

Howard has a right to be upset here obviously, and while Howard decided to ban his family members from dealing with Howard TV, the real move should have been to fire Gange or Doug right on the spot. It was bad enough when Jon Bon Jovi was held at the door because of Doug incompetence, but now it's Howard's own wife who is getting a face full of Doug's crap.

Of course Doug wasn't around when this topic came up early in the show. He was far too busy sleeping in and missing the first 40 mins of the show. I mean he already got the Executive Producer title so why work? Doug's text from the train was even more pathetic. He said he double checked that her name was in there, but of course it wasn't. So was this a computer virus? Doug can't even take responsibility for his own actions. It had to be the other Howard TV Executive Producer's fault.

Doug is living in a world where he thinks there are no repercussions, so this whole episode really doesn't shock me. It was nice to see a quick glimpse behind the curtain of Howard TV because it allowed my worst fears to be confirmed.

There is no leadership at Howard TV. No Thought. No Effort.

Howard TV is nothing more but Doug's meal ticket.

If Howard doesn't fire someone for this, then the next time Doug takes a shit on his wife he will only have himself to blame.

I Love the 70s - Howard TV Edition

Oh my goodness!! Finally the groundbreaking, earthshaking interview with David Brenner is on Howard TV. We will finally find out the actual birthday of the age phobic comedian.

What was that?

You don't know who David Brenner is?

You must be one of those weirdos who was born after 1975. Everyone knows David Brenner, um that famous bit of his, where he um tells jokes and makes people laugh....

It was a good thing Gary had passed on George Carlin a year or so back because then we might have missed out on the outdated relevancy of David Brenner. Of course this was during Howard's vacation so what does it matter if the interview put up is as relevant as a Pet Rock or Shag Carpeting.

We have to get rid of Doug ASAP because there seems to be no rehabbing the work of Goodstein. He will continue to disappoint and ruin the quality product we know as the Stern Show.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Being Bitch Slapped for 14 Minutes

The week of sub-par programming that I predicted earlier in the week continues as the 4/14 show was 14 minutes of Gary interviewing Porn Stars at the AVNs.

Now lets forget about the time first and just tackle the content. I remembered listening to this bit, and all that I could remember was Howard breaking it up over two days because he didn't seem that into it. It couldn't be that I thought.

14 minutes later though, after being bitch slapped by Doug's incompetence, I realized how very wrong I was. It was the exact same bit. My favorite illustration of how bad this bit is comes when Howard mid-way through has to ask Gary

"I got two more interviews here but I do have to take a break. Let me guess do you ask them if they vomit when they blow guys?"

Even Howard is over this bit. Gary did you ask the same thing over and over again? And this is what Doug and crew think is content?

Now let's get rid of my creative views on the show for a minute. Fourteen minutes actually because that is the exact length of the show. Even if think this is the funniest bit ever, if you do sterilize yourself, you would have to agree this could have been tacked onto an interview as an add on. This is not a show, its a throw away.

Doug decided that Howard was on vacation so a 14 min show could be fine. Shovel the shit while no one is watching. I guess I am understanding more and more why they tell us not to worry. That Howard TV will be back next week with all new shows. At least they see how worried we are because this shit would make anyone question whether they do work over at Howard TV.

Don't Worry. Doug is the Captain of this Ship.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

15 Seconds of Failure

The Howard TV on Vacation promo that airs before all of the weak shows Doug produced may be the most infuriating 15 seconds ever committed to air. It starts out fine

The Howard Stern Show is on Vacation.

Totally normal, its the Stern Show and yes they do take their fair share of vacation. It continues,

But Don't Worry

You know what Doug I am worried because each and every time Howard goes on vacation I am subjugated to the worst and cheapest shows you have. I think with the economy right now people have enough to worry about, well that and Doug. It becomes even more grating...

We'll Return Next Week With All New Sirius Shows.

You will? Don't I pay for that? Is that like your waiter coming back the table just to let you know in a few minutes he will grab your burger and fries off a tray for you? That also is of no comfort to us Doug. Saying don't worry, I'll be right back. I prefer you take a permanent vacation from Howard TV. The promo ends.

So for now enjoy this new episode.

Is that like saying if you are watching a repeat for the first them then its new?

The promo thankfully ends there, but instead of forcing us to sit thru that crap with Doug letting us know he knows about our worry, how bout we cut to the chase.

Howard and the Crew are on vacation, this is an encore episode.

Wake up Goodstein. The people are suffering under your hefty weight of failure.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Goodstein in a Barrel

I think I got a shot at Gange

It can't be this easy, can it?

I mean I know Doug sucks, does no work, and is killing Howard TV, but it really can't be this easy. After ranting yesterday about how a Howard vacation seems to bring nothing but retread and old crap to the Howard TV lineup, I really thought (cause we know Doug is reading) he would get the news and maybe do some work for us. I thought ok Doug here is your chance to shut me up, show me how wrong I am. What did Doug show?

Chris Russo........

From February 11th.......

Well I guess that makes sense to air an interview with a sports host from 2 months ago (Hey Remember the Super Bowl? It only took place 3 months ago!! Also the Mad Dog Chris Russo is a Sirius Host, nothing like good old Synergy. You pay for Doug and Howard TV, but all they deliver is a Sirius advertisement). In my rant I complained about stale material pre-cut weeks in advance to insure Doug spends no time actually working, and then my prediction is proven 100% correct.

The Stern show has been many things over the years, but the one constant has been topicality. The show never seems to lag behind on issues or run bits into the ground. Doug once again proves why he should be fired because only a total incompetent could turn the Show into nothing but stale fish.

Where have you gone Scott Einziger?

Now while I am always trying to figure out ways to improve Howard TV (its called Work Doug), last night I realized the answer was right in front of my face. While watching the Robin Horse episode (from Howard's Golden Period, the build up to Private Parts the book until the Premiere of Private Parts the Movie) all I could think about is where have you gone Scott Einziger?

If you don't know Scott was the Exec Producer of the E! Show, and producer of the best episodes of the show. Now Scott is onto different projects such as Kid Nation & Big Brother, but what if we got him back? We are going to get Doug fired and will need a new EP, if only we could get Scott.

Scott was working with a smaller budget and with a 30 min window, yet was able to create the programming that allowed Howard to eventually start his own network. If you tried that today it would be more soft-porn than Blaze and Loretta Swit. I don't have a problem with a good old sybian ride now and then, but when you boil down the show to pure flesh you are basically affirming every stereotype of the Show and Howard's fans.

Scott was the one who created the mold, while Doug is the one who continues to break it into little insignificant pieces.

Let's just fire Doug and get back to celebrating the show.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Doug's Poo-Poo Platter

Someone order the Poo-Poo Platter?

So Howard is off this week (he must be celebrating the entire Passover Holiday), and while I have been enjoying "Fight Week" on Sirius I can't help but think of all the non-work Doug is doing. We won't see the lineup until tomorrow, but if history is any indication Doug and his lackeys will be preparing the worst of the worst.

See Howard TV no doubt loves the vacations because planned out in advance they too can avoid all work that week. It's the Howard TV Poo-Poo Platter!

Instead of maybe matching the Fight Week theme and putting up some of the best fights ever in the Howard Catalog, we'll be stuck with interviews that didn't make the cut or old pre-cut shows that need little work to get on.

Nothing like a 2 month old interview with Perez Hilton!!!

Hey I never saw JD's visit to Hedonism? (Except for the 5 other times that show has been in rotation)

Don't Doug and the Howard TV crew realize their job isn't to produce soft-core porn for the Hotel ondemand market, but to be a compliment to the Stern Show. Imagine a Howard TV that actually made sense? Of course that would mean working while Howard is on vacation, and he only takes 25 weeks a year, so Doug needs the rest.

So while I am banging my head against my coffee table wondering how incompetence can routinely be rewarded, Doug will be doing what he does best, nothing

After all, Howard is on vacation so why work?

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Sybian Delay Ctd.

I would throw up my Hands if I was Howard

I just wanted to follow up about the Sybian Show with Lou being delayed. At first I thought the biggest problem was us the viewing public missing out on the show, but after today's meager explanation on the show I realized my mistake. The real victim here was Howard.

Having to shovel that line about the show being delayed, and EP Doug Goodstein didn't even give Howard a broadcast ready reason for why we had to wait? So it was Howard who came off as uninformed, and for one second Howard was able to see what Howard TV had become.

It's a shame that the last year or so of Howard's career is going to be filled with apologizing and making excuses for Doug and his crew of wannabe personalities. I mean this wasn't one of those uninspired Original Howard TV Productions that Doug continues to throw money at. This was just a simple daily show that was the most talked about bit of the week.

I can only imagine Doug handing Howard a crumbled up piece of paper which he has scribbled on with a chubby crayon: Delayed. Howard either fires Doug now or spends the rest of his time on air explaining Doug's mistakes.

The only good of this is that it has strengthened the resolve of Fire Doug Goodstein to continue the good fight against the fat, bald, and happy executives who would much rather be playing Golf or updating their Facebooks than actually doing the work promised to us.

Sorry for the Delay

The Sybian Show with Lou (Amy Fishers' Husband) according to Howard is going to be on the air shortly for "All of those who were asking".

Yeah, what a shock people noticed right Doug? Thought you could slip one by us? So then the real question is why the Delay? Was I correct in my earlier post that it was too much work for Doug so he went with Gange and that dumby comedian because it took little to no time to put that show together.

Keep up the pressure on Doug, we won't allow the show we love to be ruined and ignored. Now let's see how long the delay for the delay is now.

You suck Doug.

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Who knew Flo Rida & Chaplin didn't mix?

Flo Rida's return to the show brought two strippers and a bag full of ones.

The interview was good, but the real star was the performance as well as the reactions in the studio to Flo Rida and the gang "Making it Snow" over the two strippers. So this is something Doug couldn't ruin.


Well no, Doug once again shows why he needs to be fired. Right before the performance we are treated to a disclaimer apologizing for Howard TV not being able to acquire the rights to Flo Rida's song.

Ok forget that this is one in a million of examples how by going on the cheap and not getting song rights Doug has killed some bits (ever watched Stump the Booey on Howard TV? Its unwatchable as the cheapos replace every song with baba booey parodies. How about Price is Right but we dont have the rights to real items, so bet on widgets. How much for this Widget that Donna is bringing down from the display floor?)

No the real crime of this episode was the slow motion Flo Rida performance that followed. Sapped of the audio from the song and show, the performance was more ugly soft core Chaplin porn and less solid bit. I didn't think this would be possible, but Doug made it easier to see the show on the radio than it was on Howard TV. Doug sucks that much.

Silent Films are dead, but cutting corners still remains. Another good bit ruined by Doug.

Friday, April 03, 2009

The Sins of Omission

Something that is going to become a running feature of Fire Doug Goodstein is the exposing the failure of Doug to really dip into the E! Network Shows for Howard TV.

Doug's Sins of Omission.

When we learned that Howard had acquired all of the old E! Shows I had started to imagine this great archive of classic material right at my finger tips. Sadly Doug is in charge.

Why are we stuck with the same old material? And its never exactly right. Like we had Gary's Tape on forever, but it wasn't the classic episode where Howard and a live audience ripped and laughed, no it was just the clip without commentary. Make your own jokes folks,
Doug is too busy.

So the first E! Show I want to request is the Classic Episode when Ralph loses a bet and has to dress up as a woman for the show. It won't happen though because Gange is too busy shooting Howard TV, and Doug is too busy doing anything else.

Bring Back the E! Shows. We Deserve Them.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Quality Control?

One of the worst mistakes Doug has made is his loss of Quality Control. The simplest example of this is the work done by the Howard TV cameraman that interviews the guests before and after the show. As long time fans know this was a job that most of us saw Gange start, but now (and who could think this could be possible) the current crop has me longing for that red faced grizzled voiced Gange to be back behind the camera.

Don't agree with me? Let's check out the questions asked to Cloris Leachman after her interview. Anyone who heard this interview was amazed at the great details she provided as well as her banter with Howard and the gang. There were millions of things to discuss. Here is what was asked.

Cameraman: Cloris, How did it go?

Cloris:I'm in trouble

Camerman: Why?

Cloris: Cause I said too much in there

Cameraman: There was a lot of sex talk in there.

Ok stop right here. This is his first question, and the guy can't even phrase it in the form of a question. How about asking, Did Howard bringing up all the sexual topics bother you? or Did you expect to be so frank with Howard about sex? But no Doug has some guy who is a cameraman acting like an interviewer. Great idea. Let's continue.....

Cloris:Worse than that

Cameraman: (Goofy) What was the worst?

Cloris:Joanne Woodward

Cameraman: You're in trouble with her, Uh Oh!

Another great example of someone who thinks they are the show, we don't care about you dude, ask the star the questions and keep the commentary to your cool midtown bar work parties. The stupidity goes on later when Cloris even thinks the guy is amateur.

Cloris: What are you filming me for?

Cameraman: It's for Howard's TV Show

Cloris: And what happens?

Cameraman: We broadcast his Radio Show which you were just on.

Nice way to codescend to the guest, the old lady didn't know she was just on the show.

Just another example of how Doug doesn't care. He might have before, but now in his cushy new job he seems to think just doing what his cameraman says, well golly Ms. Leachman we just "broadcast the show". But no, we expect a little more from Howard and Howard TV. I could easily do that job. Hell Wendy the Retard could film Cloris Leachman and mumble about how the guests are in trouble.

Doug should be fired.

What happened to March 25th Doug?

Have you seen this man?
So after listening to part of the great Sybian segment with Amy Fisher's husband Lou, I was excited to sit down and see it on Howard TV. It easily was the segment of that week, but what does Doug decide to put on?

Iliza the Last Comic Standing
Gange WebChat

Where is Lou in there? Is this Gange's fault because he wanted more air time?

This is another example of how Doug doesn't seem to have any quality control. How much you want to bet this decision was made because cutting the Lou segment would have cost more and taken longer to do than just throwing up Gange and Howard going at it. We know Doug has his outside life to attend to, but then who is making sure I get a quality program.

Doug killed the Lou segment, and now he is trying to kill Howard TV. He must be stopped.

Fire Doug Goodstein Now.

What We Want


Doug Goodstein fired from his role as Executive Producer of Howard TV. As someone who has been with Howard TV and Sirius since 1/9/06 it has become way too painful to sit idly by as Doug seemingly destroys everything he touches.

We will not stop until Doug is brought down a peg, and taken to task.

Get your helmet on Goodstein because I won't let you ruin what could be Howard's last year in radio.