Monday, April 06, 2009

The Sybian Delay Ctd.

I would throw up my Hands if I was Howard

I just wanted to follow up about the Sybian Show with Lou being delayed. At first I thought the biggest problem was us the viewing public missing out on the show, but after today's meager explanation on the show I realized my mistake. The real victim here was Howard.

Having to shovel that line about the show being delayed, and EP Doug Goodstein didn't even give Howard a broadcast ready reason for why we had to wait? So it was Howard who came off as uninformed, and for one second Howard was able to see what Howard TV had become.

It's a shame that the last year or so of Howard's career is going to be filled with apologizing and making excuses for Doug and his crew of wannabe personalities. I mean this wasn't one of those uninspired Original Howard TV Productions that Doug continues to throw money at. This was just a simple daily show that was the most talked about bit of the week.

I can only imagine Doug handing Howard a crumbled up piece of paper which he has scribbled on with a chubby crayon: Delayed. Howard either fires Doug now or spends the rest of his time on air explaining Doug's mistakes.

The only good of this is that it has strengthened the resolve of Fire Doug Goodstein to continue the good fight against the fat, bald, and happy executives who would much rather be playing Golf or updating their Facebooks than actually doing the work promised to us.

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