Friday, April 24, 2009

Can a Fly be on a Wall and a pile of Shit at the same time?

We have been working overtime in our coverage of Beth-gate here at FDG. The pathetic handling of Beth Stern's arrival to the Sirius building is endemic of the larger problem at Howard TV. To put it plainly, Doug should be fired. Now this might come to a shock to Dougers and the rest of his goon squad, but we have our own moles in the indemand empire.

Yes, deep inside the bowels of 345 Hudson sits people who also know the truth of Doug's incompetence. From these spies we have been able to piece together a better understanding of the dysfunction that reigns under Doug at indemand. In fact I just received an email from one of our more trusted sources with a transcript from the meeting that preceded Beth-Gate. The following transcribed conversation takes place in a production meeting that featured Doug, Gange, and a third unknown voice that our source tells us is a Production Assistant who ends up doing all of Doug's work.

PA: So I have the meeting notes for today that we need to discuss.

Doug: (Phone to Ear) One second, booking my eye appointment.

Gange: We should film your eye trip. (Picks up his own phone) I need to update my Facebook status on this.

PA: Well Beth Stern is coming into the offices this week for our Show in the Hallway shoot, and Doug you mentioned how you wanted to handle all VIP arrivals.

Doug: True, but that was when I wanted to meet the Celebrity, I've met Beth before at the numerous personal moments I've spent with Howard as the Executive Producer of Howard TV. Gange can you handle this I am, (goes back to phone) No, I am still here, yes an appointment for next week, when am I free?, oh I am free all the time.

Gange: I can handle Beth's arrival

PA: Good that's handled now onto the topic of revamping the vault.

Gange: Wait when is Beth arriving?

Doug: 730 on Tuesday.

PA: Actually 930 on Wednesday

Doug: Right (Back to the Phone) Yes I was in a week ago but I can't stop tearing up.

Gange: Well I can't do it then because I am going to be sitting in on that edit session for you Doug.

Doug: You are?

PA: This is the edit session for the Lou Sybian Contest

Doug: Well that's not going to work (Back to phone) Great see you Wednesday at 930. (Gives full tear covered eye contact to PA) So where are we?

Gange: You have to see these pictures Gregg posted on Facebook from our trip to Kansas.

Doug: Ohhh lemme see!

PA: Doug, um, Gange was going to cover Beth, but he's covering you at the edit session.

Doug: Are you deaf? (Staring at Facebook with Gange) I just made an appointment for that time, find someone else.

PA: I am the only one available, but...

Doug: Good, its your thing

PA: But, I...

Doug: I'll double check she is in the computer don't you worry. This is Doug Goodstein you are talking to what could go wrong?

It's at this point that our transcription ends, but I think we got the picture here. Doug has a priority list that he seems to create, and the arrival of his boss's wife ranks behind his life and Gange's Facebook pictures. Now while it's possible that this transcription isn't 100% correct, there is no doubt that the message it conveys is true.

Doug left Beth waiting downstairs not because he planned it, but because he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

If Howard expects to ever have a real TV division he must part ways with Doug ASAP.

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