Monday, April 27, 2009

A Response to Doug

Fire Doug Goodstein had the great pleasure of being interviewed by Howard 100 News today. The News ended with Doug responding to Beth-Gate by reading from what he claimed was in the building computer system 40 hours before Beth was scheduled to arrive. He then casually dropped the problem on whomever did not understand this simple fact, and then seemed to dismiss the entire situation as just one of those things that happen.

So let's start out from the beginning. I would need to see these supposed papers to fully verify Doug's claim, but even if that is true, how come the last time Doug referenced Beth's arrival was 40 hours before her scheduled arrival time? Could it be that Doug like most of Howard TV doesn't think of checking the day of? Isn't this producing 101?

This site has gotten it's first taste of Doug's arrogance, and lack of contrition in regards to Beth-Gate have now guaranteed Fire Doug continuing it's stance as the lead Howard TV Watchdog Group.

At the end of Steve Langford's News Piece on FDG he claimed that Doug was willing to speak to the webmaster. Well Dougers, Langford has my email and phone number. If you can take the power of my truth feel free to contact me, but I have a feeling that you will continue to hide behind the drawstring pants of Gange and the rest of Howard TV. I only wish the FDG staff was there when Langford asked you about the site. I mean he had to give you heads up Doug, no? You weren't walking around with this Beth-Gate evidence?

And besides Beth-Gate Doug was not challenged on his other numerous blunders. His lack of quality control in all aspects of Howard TV (Ever actually listened to the Cameramen ask dumb questions to A-List Guests? I have, but no proof obviously Doug has), the E! Shows being criminally underrepresented in the Vault, and of course Gange orbiting the Howard TV set like a dead planet. (PS Gange if I didn't have a real job, Fire Mike Gange would be up and running you husky, red, leech).

See everyone, its working. Doug actually had to do work today.

He has gotten the message that he is no long the imperial executive producer. There is a new pair of eyes in the world, and its set right on Doug and his enablers.

Call me Doug, if you have the time in your busy day that is....


Landmarks and Follies said...

Assholes like Doug, Gange and Scott the engineer know that Howard will never fire them. That's why they are such fuck ups and do not give a shit when Howard gets mad. The only reason we have been spared the backstabbing incompetence of Stuttering John is because he was such and ingrate that he left on his own. Once Leno kicks his ass to the curb he will start begging Howard to come back. Fortunately it is unlikely he will be brought back. It seems like once you burn Howard like John did you are gone forever.

When it comes to Doug, the only thing he is good at is being a selfish asshole! What kind of lowlife steals a camera on 9/11? On that day even the biggest assholes seemed more human (Giuliani and Bush) and even the worst people were not capable of such selfish behavior. That makes Doug a whole new type of shithead. How many of his "tragic masterpieces" from that day have you seen in any 9/11 remembrance show or book?

Who remembers when he just had to put his kid in Howard's chair and then laughed in his bosses face when Howard got mad. He brushed it off like Howard was some dumbass intern. What a fucking piece of shit! If that asshole ever treated a boss like that in a real job he would be out on the street in a second.

I don't have HowardTV but I am not surprised to hear that Doug handles getting the content on in a timely manner as badly as he handles being a decent human being.

Gange can go fuck himself too! He has been sucking off the Stern teat for so long that he grew his own. Stupid fat cow bitch!

Howard surrounds himself with a gang of spoiled coddled morons and then never fires them.Only now as he gives them more responsibilties is it truly biting him in the ass.

At least Scott has taken his share of abuse and is somewhat entertaining.

Hopefully, Doug will fuck up with Howard's parents or Beth so badly that when Doug tries to brush it off he will finally get fired!




Gangeisaboob said...

I can't imagine that Howard ever actually watches Howard TV and continues to pay these two losers that are obviously completely unqualified to put FUNNY content together. Every 'special' that is put out by Howard TV is not funny, poorly produced, and looks like a bunch of high school kids put it together.

I love the show and subscribe to Howard TV, but I can't make it through any of the shows produced by these two boobs.

rogue said...

Dear Site,
While I do not find Beth Gate to be as much Doug’s fault as the site does I am in full agreement that he should be dismissed immediately if only to salvage the remaining potential of Howard TV. I base this on the reality that Howard TV has the worst production values I have ever seen. His production abilities pale in comparison to those of a producer of a closed circuit high school television program airing today’s lunch and yesterday’s scores.
I purchased Howard TV in January of 06’ and besides the film festival, the roasts, and the old E network content, I was blown away that I was paying $15 a month for such shit. I canceled a year later as I could not believe the tripe that was being developed under Howard’s good name. I repurchased Howard TV in 08’ as I was intrigued by some of the current and future original programming that was being touted on air. Mrs. Howard Stern Reality ruined by production, Meet the Christies ruined by production, Whack Pack Bowling destroyed by production, and despite being intrigued by the content of The Show in the Hall I cancelled again as this was only one ingredient in the crap stew that is Doug Goodstein’s Howard TV.
The site blog mentions Doug’s arrogance as a major problem and this is the absolute truth. His arrogance is the key to the abysmal failure of Howard TV and he is personally responsible for dethroning Howard as the King of all Media. In the beginning when Howard actually cared about the content and production values of Howard TV he would on occasion question and criticize Doug on air in regards to his dissatisfaction. Doug’s extreme arrogance shined through during these discussions as he would foolishly challenge Howard’s critique of Howard’s own network. Doug believes it’s Doug TV and in his lame unimaginative creative-less brain he belived he was doing a great job, he actually would at times seem insulted which was always hilarious.
In reality Doug is just another lame Jew punk with an attitude problem who is fortunate to be the recipient of Howard’s unusual and destructive charity when it comes to these types on his staff. Many may recall months back when Howard noted this quality of himself in a discussion about firing staff. He also mentioned that there was one person he would seriously like to fire if he could get beyond this weird hang up. I knew it immediately and it still holds true that this person is Doug Goodstein who best hope that Howard’s balls don’t swell up from that tick bite because it will be the unemployment line for him.
I would like to suggest that Howard TV follow Doug during his attempts to find work as a legitimate producer in the television industry. The reactions of the production managers to his portfolio would be fantastic but the pure gold would be Doug’s confused arrogant rants after he is laughed out of each interview.
Save Howard TV, fire Doug Goodstein now!

DG_SUCKS said...

If anyone has access to Jay Leno please tell him that Doug is the secret to Howard’s success.