Thursday, April 16, 2009

15 Seconds of Failure

The Howard TV on Vacation promo that airs before all of the weak shows Doug produced may be the most infuriating 15 seconds ever committed to air. It starts out fine

The Howard Stern Show is on Vacation.

Totally normal, its the Stern Show and yes they do take their fair share of vacation. It continues,

But Don't Worry

You know what Doug I am worried because each and every time Howard goes on vacation I am subjugated to the worst and cheapest shows you have. I think with the economy right now people have enough to worry about, well that and Doug. It becomes even more grating...

We'll Return Next Week With All New Sirius Shows.

You will? Don't I pay for that? Is that like your waiter coming back the table just to let you know in a few minutes he will grab your burger and fries off a tray for you? That also is of no comfort to us Doug. Saying don't worry, I'll be right back. I prefer you take a permanent vacation from Howard TV. The promo ends.

So for now enjoy this new episode.

Is that like saying if you are watching a repeat for the first them then its new?

The promo thankfully ends there, but instead of forcing us to sit thru that crap with Doug letting us know he knows about our worry, how bout we cut to the chase.

Howard and the Crew are on vacation, this is an encore episode.

Wake up Goodstein. The people are suffering under your hefty weight of failure.

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