Thursday, April 30, 2009

FDG Unveils the New DOUGCON Warning System

Every Natural Disaster has its own Warning System. Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Avalanches all have their own individual systems so why shouldn't the disaster known as Doug Goodstein have his own? Well we no longer have to wonder as it's my great pleasure to introduce you to the first ever Doug Goodstein Condition Warning System.

Ladies & Gentlemen I give you the DOUGCON.

The DOUGCON is a quick snapshot of the current level of ineptitude at Howard TV. (The most current DOUGCON status will always be published at the top of the site) As you can see we are currently at DOUGCON Level 7. The DOUGCON is the tenor of Fire Doug Goodstein boiled down to a number. Think of it as a quick snapshot. We all have busy days, and sometimes we don't have the time to dive into the Doug Pool so the DOUGCON is there for you.

Did Doug choose the cheaper and easier Staff Fight to air over the Celebrity Interview? Check the DOUGCON. Gange hogging the spotlight? Check the DOUGCON. Did Doug take advantage of Howard's vacation by doing sub-par work? Check the DOUGCON.

So keep checking in with Fire Doug, and we promise to continue to hold Doug's feet to the fire.

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